Listening Intelligently #5 | When a rebrand isn’t a rebrand…..

It took a while for the penny to drop last year, but suddenly it was there as plain as day. Hermes had metamorphosed into Evri. This should have been the magic moment where by deliveries were on time, made to the door not over the fence, and a whole new customer experience had been devised… 

Hermes Logo

…But no, chuff all other than the name has changed. 

Evri Logo

The shocking delivery record of Hermes, now Evri  is well documented. (See a wonderful collection of comments here.) So why oh why would any business use them to fulfil their deliveries? Unless they:

  1. Wish to dissatisfy their customers; and
  2. Devalue not only the brand name of Evri, but the clients they work on behalf of…  

Regular readers will recall Michale Longmore’s JLP blog. Yup, John Lewis has indeed partnered with Evri. You really couldn’t make it up!

If you Google Evri, the clue is there straight away:

Google search engine Evri image

Cheap parcel and delivery courier service, they proudly state…

Cheap seldom means value.

Evri got us thinking…

This isn’t a refresh or rebrand but a metaphorical sticking plaster on a broken leg.

The business that was notorious at under delivering on so many metrics, just continues to underperform.

Surely if a comprehensive rebrand had been undertaken then the business values, functional benefits and emotional benefits would have been revisited?

  • change underwhelmed to delighted,
  • customer doesn’t matter to customer comes first,
  • we pay our staff the least we possibly can and treat them as units to we love our team. (Well at least we respect the team members.) And we want our team members to feel proud that they work for Evri. 

I know it’s easy to carp on. But really a brand workshop or two with the key players at the new Hermes would surely have yielded better results than simple name change and the same old same old.

There are legitimate reasons for a brand refresh, and Hermes was a classic case in point. However, changing the name and ID is not enough.

Avis remained Avis when they introduced We Try Harder. They knew they were at the bottom of the heap in terms of customer satisfaction and introduced the concept of trying to help with their customers. It worked. Marathon famously became Snickers, does anyone know why? And NSU became Audi, you don’t have to go to the doctor with an Audi!

A rebrand can go wrong for various reasons. This often resulting in negative consequences for the company’s image, reputation, and bottom line.

Here are some examples of situations where a rebranding effort might not have gone as planned:

  • Loss of Brand Recognition: If a company’s rebranding is too drastic and unrecognisable from its previous branding, customers may have trouble identifying the company and its products/services, leading to confusion and potential loss of business.
  • Negative Customer Reaction: A poorly executed rebrand can lead to backlash from loyal customers who were attached to the old brand. If customers don’t resonate with the new branding, they may feel alienated or disappointed.
  • Inconsistent Messaging: If the messaging associated with the rebrand is unclear or inconsistent, it can lead to confusion among customers and stakeholders about the company’s values, offerings, and direction.
  • Failure to Reflect Core Values: If a rebranding effort doesn’t accurately reflect the company’s core values or mission, it can come across as inauthentic or insincere, leading to a loss of trust.
  • Cultural Insensitivity: In a global market, a rebranding that is culturally insensitive or doesn’t resonate with the target audience’s values can lead to negative perceptions and harm the company’s reputation.
  • Technical Issues: If a rebrand involves a new website, app, or other technical components, technical glitches or errors can frustrate customers and hinder their ability to engage with the brand.
  • Conflicting Image and Reputation: If the new brand image conflicts with the company’s actual reputation or performance, customers may perceive the rebrand as a mere attempt to cover up underlying issues.
  • Lack of Research and Testing: A rebrand that is not thoroughly researched and tested with target audiences can lead to unexpected negative reactions or missed opportunities.
  • Cost Overruns and Delays: Rebranding can be expensive and time-consuming. If the process encounters significant delays or budget overruns, it can strain the company’s resources and lead to frustration.
  • Loss of Equity: If the company had built up a strong brand equity over the years, a rebrand that discards recognisable and valuable brand elements might result in a loss of that equity.
  • Competitor Advantage: If a rebrand makes the company less distinct or more similar to competitors, it can erode the company’s competitive advantage and make it harder to stand out in the market.
  • Employee Resistance: If employees don’t feel connected to or motivated by the new branding, it can affect their morale and engagement. And potentially impacting overall company performance.

It’s important for companies to carefully plan and execute their rebranding efforts. Importantly taking into consideration customer feedback, market research, and expert guidance.

Rebranding should align with the company’s strategic goals, values, and long-term vision while also resonating with the target audience.

Who knows, one day Evri might actually deliver to our door. Or more importantly undergo a genuine brand refresh that goes to the essence of the business. One that is not only believed and communicated to its leadership team, but importantly to their all important drivers. After all, that’s the final customer touch point (versus lob-it …!)

Why Hello Finch?

At Hello Finch, we pride ourselves on getting under the skin of brands with our strategic partner Corr Blimey! We never recommend a creative redesign, campaign or brand logo change without understanding the core fundamentals of your business. 

Anyone can pop a new logo up, but deep change takes effort. It’s one we think is worth brands doing. 

Hello Finch.  Listening Intelligently.

Written in partnership with Hello Finch partner, Michael Longmore, Founder CEO, Corr Blimey!